Exit 2012, Enter 2013

2 minute read

I'm usually not the guy who spends too much time looking at the past, but 2012 has been so much fun I can't resist the temptation of summing up what I've enjoyed most.

  • MyGet.org - With 6 feature-adding releases in 2012 and a few intermediate hotfix deployments along the way (from 1.0.x to 1.6.x), I've had a blast developing and moving this NuGet-as-a-Service platform to the next level. It’s great fun working with Maarten Balliauw on our little pet project which experienced a few backlog explosions: glad we survived :). With tons of great stuff in the pipeline and numerous ideas yet to put on the drawing board, I'm sure this year will bring more MyGet goodness.
  • Pro NuGet – In March 2012, my first book got released by Apress. Currently considering to write a vNext with more chapters or recipes dedicated to real world problems and scenarios.
  • MEET – I’ve participated in lots of the 2012 events – including many Windows 8 hack-a-thons and an MSDN Live Webcast - as part of the Microsoft Extended Experts Team, a group of enthousiastic community members in Belgium. Proud to be part of MEET and looking forward to more awesomeness in 2013 (including TechDays Belgium in March)!
  • Technical writing – I’ve written a few articles and 21 blog posts in 2012 (and a few more on the MyGet blog), including my first MSDN Magazine article Top 10 NuGet (anti-)patterns and a DeveloperFusion article on Continuous Integration using NuGet and TeamCity.
  • Talks – I’ve been lucky to give my first talk abroad: I had a blast at UgiAlt.NET in Milan (great interactive audience!). I’d love to speak more in 2013 starting with the Warm Crocodile Conference (Copenhagen) in a few weeks where I’ll be giving 2 sessions on NuGet.

In my day-to-day job as a RealDolmen consultant, I’ve been working on NuGet/ALM (both with TFS and TeamCity), I’ve set up an on-premise SymbolSource repository, and delivered my first SignalR project in production. Much of this work has resulted in new ideas for MyGet and 15 issues logged for NuGet (I whish I could contribute more code instead, but hey, it's a start). Let’s hope some more Azure goodness can be added to the mix as well in 2013!

It’s really rewarding to be part of such great community, and a source of inspiration going forward. Also thank you Rob Reynolds for the interesting chats about Chocolatey and other cool stuff; I owe you a beer if we get the chance to meet. Thanks to all of you for all the stuff I learned from you! Sharing is caring :) Let's get the best out of 2013!

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