Joining Microsoft

1 minute read

It's been over 7 years since I joined RealDolmen, one of Belgium's larger consultancy firms. I got to meet many interesting folks and had a wide variation in challenges. I was also lucky enough to attend a few conferences and was even allowed to speak abroad when I had the opportunity. Thank you RealDolmen! And thank you everyone I worked with!

It was in 2011 at TechDays Belgium, after a talk by Scott Hanselman (NuGet in depth: empowering OSS on the .NET platform), when Maarten Balliauw and I got talking about an idea we had. We created a prototype and by the end of the month, we launched MyGet, a hosted NuGet server on Azure.

At first, we used it as a playground for ourselves and some friends. A few weeks later we had about a hundred people using the service and we had our first feature requests coming in: people told us they wanted secured feeds. We bootstrapped a business model to cover for the hosting costs, and executed as lean as we possibly could. Today, 3.5 years later, we serve thousands of feeds and provide a solution for many developers, OSS projects and companies worldwide. You can find us in the Azure Store, we became VSO Launch partners at TechEd, and we even host nightly builds for ASP.NET and many other Microsoft products!

Some time ago, I noticed a vacant position on the NuGet team (well, two, in fact). Today, I'm super-excited to share that I'm joining Microsoft and the NuGet team!

I'll be working remotely on stuff I'm passionate about and feel I'm joining at an exciting time with many cool things to come: NuGet (and package management) is still building momentum! A few years ago, the average .NET developer didn't know about packages. Then NuGet got introduced. Soon, we'll be dealing with NuGet, NPM, Bower and many more tools integrated in our development on both .NET (vNext) and other languages.

What does this mean for MyGet? MyGet remains our private business and product. We'll continue to provide the great service and support you're used to! The only difference is that both Maarten and my agenda are now more aligned, and we'll be in package management 24/7.

Looking very much forward for what's next!


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